Minutes of WHRF committee meeting held at The WH Club 7.30pm 3rd Nov 2022

Minutes of WHRF committee meeting held at The WH Club 7.30pm 3rd Nov 2022

Present Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Mardle -Secretary, Sarah Chambers-Treasurer, Joanna Davey, Jo Plimmer, Dave Plimmer, Charlie Chambers

Apologies for absence Doug Robinson

Minutes of last meeting held 8th September 2022 were agreed and signed and will be posted on the Wookey Hole website.

Feedback on AGM There was a good turn out of residents, the feedback was positive & plenty stayed on to enjoy some Wookey Ale donated by Sam Mills, some local cheese donated by Mike Pullen & some wine provided by the WH Residents Forum.
No councillors attended & it was agreed that next time we make sure they are personally invited.

Treasurers report
Current balance in the WHRF account: £1,800.53
£520 is being held for the Parish Council grant (Neighbourhood Plan) and
£540.73 for Let’s Weather the Storm (LWTS)
Closing balance after the above taken off £739.80
Sarah C  checked with Roger re money from protest around the Pyrolysis Plant & all moneys had been transferred to WHRF account in 2013.
LWTS money - this was donated by Elizabeth Rennie towards food delivery during Covid.
It was agreed, subject to Elizabeth Rennie’s approval, that 50% of this money would be donated to the Elim Church for the Food Bank at the Connect Centre & 50% would be used for the Coronation celebrations in the village on 06/05/2023.

Community Hall Closure Marcel Hayden from the Parish Council has confirmed that due to the poor condition of the Community Hall, it is not financially viable for repair & future use.
Julia & Joanna had a meeting with Chris Goodchild from WH Caves to see if there was a room that could be used for the Cinema Club & the Ladies Club. Chris confirmed that this could possibly be done if a room was available but couldn't guarantee it.
WHRF agreed to request a working group to look at possible venues in the village, The WH Club was a popular choice.

Future Events
2.00 - 3.30pm 26th November - Village walk to see year 2000 commemorative trees.
An hour and a half walk led by Julia and Doug, followed by seasonal refreshments at the Club.
Event has been promoted by emails, posters and website. All those interested have been asked to register interest via whrf email in order to know numbers for teas and scones.

The commemorative tree plaques are being held by Julia until a suitable decision are made on how to attach them to the trees.

11.00am - 3.00pm 3rd December - Come help plant trees
It was agreed that this event be moved to February 2023.
Sarah C to approach Mendip Hill Project re £2000 tree planting grant, closing date 25/11/22

January 2023 Bring & Share Supper - possible venue The Club, to be discussed further at next meeting.

06/05/23 King Charles Coronation If hotel is closed could caves car park be used for village party? to be discussed at next meeting.

WH Village Web Site John Clarke is happy to run Weebily Web Site. Sam Mills of Wookey Ales created the Club website and might be interested.  Jo had mentioned asking young people that might have ideas.
Sarah M reported that the items listed on the web site were being viewed regularly.
Alternatives to be discussed at next meeting.

Planning Applications No new applications at present

Traffic in Village Paul Cannon has sent a preliminary report to Somerset County Council.
Marcel Hayden has confirmed that SCC will put some road signs up.

AOB Jo Plimmer to speak to Colin Babb about wild garden planting by bus shelter.

Next meeting  7.30pm 7th February 2023 in WH Club

Minutes of WHRF committee meeting held at The WH Club 8.00pm 8th Sept 2022

Minutes of WHRF committee meeting held at The WH Club 8.00pm 8th Sept 2022

Present Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Chambers-Treasurer, Doug Robinson, Joanna Davey, Jo Plimmer. Joined by Charlie Chambers after Treasurers Report.

Apologies for absence Sarah Mardle, Dave Plimmer
Welcome to Jo Plimmer (and in absence Dave Plimmer) who are interested in joining the committee.

Matter of note: news announced just prior to the meeting, that Queen Elizabeth II has died. The committee acknowledged our sadness on this historic day.

Minutes of last meeting held 1st August 2022
Error noted and amended: Paul Cannon (Parish Councillor) not Sarah Chamber, speaking to Caves about signage.
Amended minutes were agreed and signed and will be posted on the Wookey Hole website.

Traffic in village: Sarah C to pick this up mid-September.

Treasurers report
Sarah C reported that £428.17 has been received from the Wookey Hole 2000 account (Santander) which has now been closed. Julia Scarth and Katy Smith who  were on the WH2000 cttee managed to get the remaining funds transferred over.
Background for Jo P: Wookey Hole 2000 ran for 3 or 4 years and was the previous equivalent to WHRF but formed specifically to celebrate the Millenium.
Current balance in the WHRF account: £1,877.56
£520 is being held for the Parish Council grant (Neighbourhood Plan) and £540.73 for Let’s Weather the Storm (LWTS)
Closing balance after the above is £816.83
Sarah C will check if an amount has come in from moneys accrued through the protest around the Pyrolysis Plant. If not Sarah C will follow up with Roger and let Julia know.
LWTS money - this was donated by Elizabeth Rennie towards food delivery. Julia to follow up with Ivor and Elizabeth as to whether this should be held or returned.

Tree map and tree event plans (National Tree Planting Week)
Noted this has even more significance now with the passing of the Queen. 5 trees have survived, 2 have died. Dates confirmed for these public events as:
2.00 - 3.30pm 26th November - Village walk
Agreed plans as an hour and a half walk, led by Julia and Doug, followed by seasonal refreshments at the Club. Julia will check this with Club (Manny). Sarah C suggested ribbon tying - supported by committee. Sarah C will look into and purchase ribbons (biodegradable options).

Events to be promoted through poster and website (Joanna has drafted poster). Agreed to register interest via email in order to know numbers for teas and scones.

Jo asked about website - Sarah Mardle maintains currently.
Discussion around whether this might become an annual event, and how to mark the two ‘lost’ trees, and also what to do about the tree plaques. Julia and Jo to investigate with Forge in early October when Julia is back from holiday.

11.00am - 3.00pm 3rd December - Come help plant trees
Agreed plans to undertake planting with a lunch break and refreshments on offer. Charlie offered to make soup, Jo offered to make bread (or purchase if the baking doesn’t happen).

AGM Preparations
Date: 7.30pm 13th October in Community Hall
Joanna to create A5 flyer publicising AGM and how to join Forum. Committee to distribute flyers around village letterboxes to encourage attendance, as all noted new residents moving into the village who may not receive notice by email or see posters.
Agreed to offer additional incentive to attend by providing locally sourced refreshments.
Julia to ask Mike (Pullin) about provision of 2 kilos of cave aged cheddar.
Charlie to ask Sante wines (donation or sale or return).
Sarah Mardle to ask Wookey Ales about donation (donation or sale or return).

Committee positions: Chair and Secretary. Jo expressed cautious interest in volunteering as Chair, but would like to find out more about what this entails from Julia in October.

Community Hall Closure
Hall is closing at the end of October. Current groups are exploring other options; cinema club is homeless currently. To discuss further at next meeting.

Julia and Doug will be away 14th - 29th September.

Next meeting  7.30pm 13th October in Community Hall (AGM)


Village news and requests


Saturday 26th November 2022 at 2pm

A walk around village looking at the trees that were planted in 2000 and thinking about where to plant some more.  After the walk tea and home made cakes at the Club along with an opportunity to see some pictures and photos of Wookey Hole in times gone by.

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you plan to attend.

The tree planting event that had been scheduled for 3rd December has been postponed until next year.  Once we’ve got a new date we’ll let you know.

Flower Arranging

Are there any ladies who would be interested in helping with flower arranging for St Mary Magdalene  Church, Wookey Hole. It would  entail being on the rota once or twice a year depending on how much time you could spare. We are a small friendly team and we do meet to decorate the church for Christmas , Easter , Patronal Festival and harvest. You don’t need to have any experience but we would be very happy to welcome and help anyone who would like to join us. Please contact Lyn 0749 671912 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Thanks Lyn

The Community Hall has closed What Next?

Very sadly, the Community Hall which has served the village well for the past decade has now closed.  Sincere thanks to Jenny and Alec Lewis and the Hall Committee who have put in much time and effort in managing this valuable village resource for all these years and also to the Caves who allowed and have supported its transformation from the Bowling Hut to the Community Hall.  An assessment of the amount it would cost financially to fix the building led to the conclusion that it was not financially viable.  Would you be interested in getting together with others in the Village to explore ideas of a new village space?  If so email Jo Plimmer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minutes of WHRF committee meeting held at The WH Club 7.30pm 1st August 2022

Present, Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Chambers-Treasurer, Sarah Mardle, Doug Robinson, Joanna Davey, Chloe Parish
Apologies for absence. Charlie Chambers


Minutes of last meeting held 10th March 2022 were agreed and signed and will be posted on the Wookey Hole website.


Treasurers report – Sarah C reported that the Bring & Share raised £127 minus £7 for the hall hire. The annual insurance fee of £96 has also been paid leaving a current balance of £1442.39. (£520 is being held for the Parish Council grant and £540.73 for LWTS) Closing balance for WHRF is £381.66
Julia will connect with Ivor re the £540.73 LWST money to see if this is to stay with the Forum, or not


Report Back on Bring & Share & Picnic
Both events went well & were enjoyed by all who attended


Future events
A local resident called Richard (who attended the bring & share) said he'd like to do a quiz evening, date to be confirmed.
A village picture, similar to the one taken in 2000, is being suggested for 2025
For The National Tree Planting Week 26/11/22 - 03/12/22 a walk to view the trees that were planted for the Millenium is planned for 26/11/22. Plus the following week on 03/12/22 new trees will be planted in & around the village. Posters will be created & an email sent out to villagers.
There have been 2 responses from villagers with suggestions for positions for the new trees & other options were suggested, e.g. Small tree by bus shelter, Glencot Triangle, next to allotment, Church grounds, replace any Millenium trees that didn't survive. Everyone agreed that fruit & nut trees would be a lovely idea.
Sarah M to send a map to Doug for him to confer with Julia & plot where the existing Millenium trees were planted & who the tree's were dedicated to.


Road working group
A meeting was held between Marcel Hayden & Toby from Somerset County Council, Marcel highlighted some of the points that the road working group has been dealing with. Toby requested another meeting to discuss the research that Sarah C & group had accumulated & to discuss next stage.
Sarah C to speak to Paul Cannon to see if he can ask WH Caves if they can provide "No Access to the Caves" signs to be put up in Easton & the top of Tynings Lane, directing the traffic away from the single track roads & onto the main roads.


Local Planning Applications
Mendip Council have refused an amended planning application for 50 houses on the Armchair field on Wookey Hole Road.
Mendip have also refused the amended planning application for Homestead park (in March 2022)


AGM Minutes To be agreed at next AGM meeting proposed for 13/10/22 7.30pm Community Hall.
Sarah M to see if she can find the poster from last years meeting & email it to Joanna to be updated for this year. The poster will then be put on the WH Village web site & emailed out to residents.


AOB – Chloe has requested to step down from the committee & everyone thanked her for her valued input over the past year.
Lyn Astle has spoken to the Parish Council about the benches that were donated to WH for the 1977 Silver Jubilee, one in School Hill near North Bank & the other in Milton Lane & the Parish Council have agreed to maintain them.

Next meeting
Planning meeting for AGM Thursday 29th September at 7.30


Minutes of WHRF committee meeting held at The Club 7.30pm 10th March 2022

Minutes of WHRF committee meeting held at The Club 7.30pm 10th March 2022

Present, Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Chambers-Treasurer, Charlie Chambers, Doug Robinson, Joanna Davey

Apologies for absence. Chloe Parrish, Sarah Mardle

Minutes of last meeting were agreed and signed and will be posted on the Wookey Hole website.
Julia reads letter of resignation from Roger Hancock, SC suggested a thank you card for Roger that Julia will write and send.
Julia discusses minutes from the last AGM, they will be sent out as a matter of principal to the Village, even though only three people attended

Treasurers report – Sarah C reported that the current balance is £1418.39 (£520 is being held for Parish council grant and £540.73 for LWST) Closing balance £357.66
Julia will connect with Ivor re the £540.73 LWST money to see if this is to stay with the Forum, or not

Road working group
Sarah informs of meeting with Mile Pullen and Paul Cannon, Paul has written a brief report for SCC, when there is a response from this a full report will be written for SCC but will be circulated to the Village first

Local Planning Applications
Planning for The Billiard Room application were discussed, there has been an increase in the size of the application which the Parish Council have recommended for refusal.  Julia has asked Doug to send the details of the application to Mike Pullen.  SC to email Mike Pullen for more information.  It was discussed whether the Forum should alert the Village to this planning as the planning notice was displayed very briefly – Julia will draft email
Julia proposed, for the next AGM, to remove Elm Close and Haybridge from the constitution

Village Obituaries
Julia proposes that all Villagers should be included in a list of obituaries, and proposed that we should ask family and loved ones first

Future Events
Bring and Share 7th May
Picnic for Jubilee – it was discussed to have a picnic and tree planting plan for the Autumn, possible date 5th June, possible location is cricket grounds at Glencot
No Summer fete this year as Sandy cannot commit to organising this event
Can we generate more interest in the Forum by holding these events.  Joanna to create a flyer for the dates of the events.

AOB – Sarah Mardle’s position of Secretary and Julia’s position of Chair – both have expressed they would like to step down from these roles and the positions are therefore available if anyone would like to take them

Next meeting  
Planning meeting for Bring and Share Thursday 21st April at 7.30
Next Cttee meeting 9th June


Minutes of WHRF committee meeting held at The Club 7.30pm 6th January 2022


Minutes of WHRF meeting held via Zoom 6th January 2022

Present Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Mardle-Secretary, Doug Robinson, Roger Hancock, Sarah Chambers, Charlie Chambers Chloe Parish

1: Apologies for absence.    Joanna Davey

2. Minutes of last meeting 26th August 2021 were agreed and signed & will be posted on Wookey Hole Website

3: Feedback on AGM held 18/11/21 3 residents attended plus Cllrs Paul Cannon & Mike Pullen
It was agreed to hold the next AGM in the Spring of 2023 to hopefully get more attendees.

4. Treasurers Report - Sarah C
Sarah C reported one expense for the room hire for the AGM of £7
The current bank balance is £1418.39 (£520 being held for Parish council grant) and we are holding £540.73 for LWTST leaving WHRF's balance of £357.66

5. Traffic in the village (Sarah C)
Sarah reported that Paul Cannon has offered to compile a report of the traffic survey findings.
The traffic team have requested a meeting with Mike Pullen to take advice on submitting the report.
The village will be asked to review the report before it is submitted to the Parish Council & then SCC.

6. Future events - Bring and Share supper
It was agreed that due to continued Covid infections, the annual bring & share supper due to be held on 22/01/22 should be cancelled. A new date will be discussed at the WHRF meeting on 10th March 2022.

7. Local planning applications updates

Sarah noted that the Coombe Brook/Homestead Park application is still on hold pending the outcome of the phosphate issue. No new planning applications have been made in the area.

9: Next meetings
10/03/22, 09/06/22, 08/09/22, 08/12/22


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