Dark Skies Group

Gary Amos attended the inaugural ‘Starlit Skies’ Alliance in Bath on behalf of WHRF. This was attended by many groups interested, (for a number of reasons), in reducing nightime light pollution. A naturalist advised that owls, (of which there are three species in Wookey Hole), affected by light pollution, are unable to hunt as they lose their night vision. Gary, like many astronomers would like streetlights and domestic security lights switched off for at least part of the night to make watching the night sky easier. If light pollution of any type is causing you a problem Gary suggests an informal approach first: many people simply do not realise the implication of bright lights at night, but if that fails you can approach Mendip District Council for help and advice. In the meantime, keep lighting to a minimum to help owls!



North Ward Neighbourhood Plan

You may remember that last year North Ward, (i.e. Wookey Hole and Easton and surrounding hamlets) was asked for our views on ‘Planning’.

The intention was that the views of all the villages in St Cuthbert’s Out would be incorporated into a Neighbourhood Plan, which would give all residents more say in what was, and what was not, allowed to be built in the community.

A Neighbourhood Plan was written incorporating all these views and sent to Stuart Todd, a Planning Consultant employed by the SCOPC Neighbourhood Plan group. Stuart has now given his opinion on the content and suggested some alterations so that the final Plan is compliant with the underlying Neighbourhood Plan legislation.

Residents Forum AGM and Committee Minutes

This page contains links to the Wookey Hole Residents Forum minutes.

This page is still in progress - all meeting minutes will be up here soon.


Date Meeting Type Minutes
5 October 2017 Committee   MInutes 5.10.17.docx 
6 April 2017    AGM   2017 WHRF AGM Minutes.pdf 
22 March 2016 Committee   WHRF March 2016 minutes final.pdf 
12 Jan 2016   Committee      WHRF Committee Minutes Jan 2016.pdf 
1 Dec 2015    Committee    WHRF 1_12_15 minutes final.pdf 
22 Sep 2015 Committee   WHRF 22ND minutes FINAL copy.pdf 
26 May 2015 Committee   WHRF 26th May minutes copy.pdf 
24 March 2015 Committee   WHRF Agenda 24th March 2015 copy.pdf 
2 December 2014 Committee   2nd December 2014 Minutes Final.pdf 
30 April 2014 General Meeting   General Meeting 30th april with signature doc copy.pdf 


Digital Community Training Available

Digital Community Training 


ccs-log copy 1.png


CCS is delivering the Get Up To Speed Digital Tool Kit, aimed at Community Buildings, Parish / Town Council's, Community Groups and anyone interested in technology, to improve your communications within your committee, community and with other organisations. 

If you're interested, please contact Councillor David Ball


Date: Friday 4th September 2015
Venue: Holford & District Village Hall, TA5 1SD
Time: 12 noon – 3 pm
Complimentary Refreshments will be provided




WHRF AGM Report April 2015

Here is the report of the Second Wookey Hole Residents’ Forum AGM held on 23rd April 2015:


  Wookey Hole Forum revised.April 2015 Public meeting. copy.pdf 

Progress made to date on obtaining funding for Village Notice Boards

Slow progress is being made on obtaining funding for additional Village Notice Boards. The aim is to stop ‘fly posting’ around the village which is unsightly and 

I believe, illegal.

Initially, we are aiming to obtain funding for two notice boards which are priced at £877 20p each. They are hand crafted in English Oak and will be free 

standing, weatherproof and lockable.


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