WHRF Committee Minutes Dec 2nd

Wookey Hole Residents Forum

Committee Meeting, Wookey Hole Club

Tuesday 2nd December 2014, 7.30pm

In attendance:- Hugh Talbott (Chair), John Grange, Roger Hancock, Nicky Amos, Julia Scarth, Louise Burton, Mary Gaunt. Observer - John Parsons

Apologies: Chris Blackford, Jenny Lewis, Chris Britton, David Ball


1. Minutes of the committee meeting held 11th September, proposed by Nicky, unanimously agreed, and signed, as presented, by the Chair. No matters arising.

2. Treasurer’s Report

A bank account has been opened at NWB in Wells. Since the last committee meeting £86 has been paid-out for hosting the Wookey Hole website for one year and a donation of £10 received. £73.26 has been donated via the Website Working Party. The balance is £126.26.

Julia has a £400 residue from the Wookey Hole Millennium Fund. Julia is discussing with other Millennium Fund signatories if it can be used by WHRF.

3. Proposed Meeting Schedule for 2015/16

Saturday January 24th 2015 Bring and Share Supper Evening 6pm

Tuesday March 24th 2015 Committee meeting 7.30pm

Thursday April 14th 2015 AGM 8pm

June date to be agreed Committee Meeting 7.30pm

Saturday July 25th 2015 Stall at Church Fete Afternoon

August/date to be agreed Hog Roast/Glencot House Afternoon

September date to be agreed Committee Meeting

January 2016 date to be agreed Social for larger number than 40?

April date to be agreed AGM


4. Arrangements for Saturday January 24th 2015

Social evening in WH Community Hall (Nicky has booked) Max 40 tickets (no room for more). Ticket prices £2. Nicky to advertise via village e-mail and print tickets. Roger to arrange a donation bar, (license of hall means we cannot charge for drinks). Ticket holders to bring food. Volunteer needed to coordinate who brings what- we didn’t agree this! We discussed having a bigger event but felt until we had a bigger kitty we should start small!


7. The next committee meeting will be on Tuesday March 24th 7.30pm at Wookey Hole Club. There will be a social evening on Saturday 24th January 2015 at Wookey Hall Community Hall. (Nicky to book both halls).


Attachment 1 Update from Working Parties - Only developments since the Public Meeting on October 2nd 2014 are shown.

BusesFootpaths Councillor Mary Gaunt is standing as Parish Paths Liaison Officer (PPLO), for St Cuthbert’s Out Parish, and if appointed will oversee footpath / cycle path maintenance for the whole parish.

LA Moore Pyrolysis Plant Roger Hancock No developments since 2nd October report

Neighbourhood Plan David Ball No major developments since 2nd October report.

Community Area Julia Scarth Now known as St Mary Magdalene Community Garden

This group has now expanded to about 14 members and has a plan to do necessary maintenance on the grounds surrounding Wookey Hole church. The Church has its own plans to modify the entrance path to allow disabled access. The ambition is to make the grounds more useable for more people.

The group will next meet on 19th December and is planning a grounds maintenance day in conjunction with the Parochial Church Council on January 25th.

The group has found some old hand-drawn plans of the church grounds and Landscape Architect, Elinor Scarth has offered to produce new plans showing the ideas that have been generated by the group so far.

Even minor changes to the church grounds need a Faculty or a De Minimis agreement from Church authorities and the group have already had discussions with the Parochial Church Council to ensure the correct procedures are followed.

Group member and Parish Councillor, Ed Danson will ask the Parish Council whether £200 from the 106 Developer Tax from WH Nursing Home (balance about £13,500) could be used for the project.

Former Church warden and neighbour, John Parsons, attended the meeting and advised Julia of some of the difficulties of the site.

The WHRF committee advised the group that they must be aware of the regulations before starting the project.

St Cuthbert’s Mill Chris Blackford No developments since 2nd October report

Elm Close Development Chris Britton No developments since 2nd October report.

Wookey Hole Website John Grange No developments since 2nd October report

Additional Post Box Hugh Talbott Conservative candidate James Heappy has intervened and a Post Office representative has visited. It may be possible to relocate a post-box to Homestead Caravan Park. Mrs Seddon who owns the park however has recently passed away and the site is in probate. Hugh will follow this up.

Memorial Trees David Scarth Trees will be looked at in January or February 2015.

Notice Boards Jenny Lewis The Parish Council has given the group money for one new notice board. The Chair will visit Jenny (she has this week had an operation), to discuss this.

Campaign for Dark Skies Julia Scarth No developments since 2nd October report


NA December 9th 2014

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